Friday 4 October 2013

Pidato Bahasa Inggris singkat dan mudah

The Importance of English Language 

If you can speak English, then you can talk to more than 1.5 billion people around the world. One in four people in the world speak at least some English, and the amount of learning continues to grow. For example, in China alone, the number of people learning English have exceeded the total population of the United States. When you speak English, you can chat online, write and travel the world - using a foreign language!

Accelerate your career advancement

Most international business is conducted in English. If you want a managerial position in a multinational company, you will likely be required to speak English. A number of prestigious companies even now sets minimum IELTS or TOEFL for potential job applicants. World technology, aviation, tourism and diplomatic depend closely to English. You could be the English translator, etc..

Asking the road in 75 countries

English is the official language or at least have a special status in 75 countries and is used in more than 100 countries. English is the international language for business, sports, academics, science, technology, advertising and diplomatic. You do not need to use the services of English language translator for your own master.

Opening the window wider world

In addition, many foreign language books are translated only into English. If you can read English, you will have the option of reading a much more diverse, equally the same with movies. Now the role of the great English translator too.

Conquer the Internet

You may think that many sites are translated into Indonesian. But the fact is, 80% of electronic information is only available in English. While 20% of the others is not entirely dominated by the Indonesian language, but also the non-English languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, French and so on. So imagine just what percentage of all the information on the Internet are presented in the Indonesian language. You do not need a tool / dictionary translator English.

Being a scientist

Researchers and scientists around the world communicate with each other in English. Scientific conference held in English and the research results are also published in English language journals. More than two-thirds of scientists around the world to read in English.

Pursue opportunities abroad

There are thousands of programs to learn, work and volunteers around the world, but almost exclusively only offered to those who master the English language. A world full of opportunity open when you speak English.

Benefits Speak English
Gains in English from the point of view that English is the main language in many aspects around the world. We all know the English language is one of the most widely used language in the world after Mandarin.


English is the international language of business. Most business transactions including emails, memos, reports, contracts and many more forms written in English.

Employment Opportunities

Ability to speak fluent English in addition to the original language is very useful if you are looking for job opportunities in an international company. The advantage you gain in mastering a foreign language is to put you one step ahead of your competitors.


Most Hollywood movies are made directly in English. Of course the story line films are easier to observe with the original English. While there are subtitles in another language can sometimes cause a loss of meaning in translation.


English-language advantage in travel is a foreign language has been spoken on a worldwide tour. Because of that international travelers can feel at ease in interacting with foreign English so make them more enjoyable. Most of the employees of hotels, restaurants, merchants overseas stores allow to speak English to tourists who come.


Almost of all schools in the world provide English language became compulsory for their students. Similarly, schools universities both nationally and internationally, teachers and lecturers are required to master this international language, and even the books that are used with reference to English. A large number of studies conducted also written and presented in English.


Ease in technology has grown more complex and accessible everywhere. Most software programs were written in English. When you join the social networking world, the language still dominates the English language.

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